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Milk is a source of life

Improving the quality of milk can improve people's quality of life.

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The History of Agrogir

"This race has a future," prophesied the father. And with a little pat on the hip of each cow, he justified the prophecy, "The gir cattle are like the moire of a tree: strong, resistant and unbreakable." The boy listened to his father as he named the oxen and cows, made with green mangoes and orange thorns.

His father, Mr. Tonico, was a small farmer and he was proud of his new acquisition: twenty dairy cows from the gir breed and a breeder, Rock, a name probably inspired by the breed's resistance. His dream was to improve the quality of livestock and to increase milk production, which he sold door to door in the small town of Anhanguera, in the countryside of Goiás. Meanwhile, the boy took care of the details, perfecting his "herd" and  taking care of the "premises". In the enthusiasm of the visionary father and the creativity of the curious boy, the two ends of a story that would be taken back in the future, almost five decades later: the story of Agrogir.


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Palhadas da lavoura na alimentação dos bovinos

As palhadas, que são os restos da lavoura, podem ser utilizadas na alimentação dos bovinos? É muito comum, sobras da colheita ficarem espalhadas pela plantação. E como muitas propriedades no Brasil atuam em mais. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus eget ligula id erat ullamcorper commodo a viverra diam. Curabitur sodales nisi […]

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Qual melhor local para o cocho e o bebedouro?

O cocho é um complemento fundamental para a alimentação dos bovinos, junto ao bebedouro. Traçar uma localização estratégica para que esses animais tenham fácil acesso em todo pasto, facilita o consumo do nutriente oferecido. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus eget ligula id erat ullamcorper commodo a viverra diam. Curabitur sodales nisi […]

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O que servir de nutrição para bezerros precoces

Os bezerros, por serem animais novos e com baixa saúde nutricional, precisam ter uma alimentação balanceada. Um animal bem nutrido evita doenças que podem não só prejudicar a produtividade, mas levar o animal a óbito. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus eget ligula id erat ullamcorper commodo a viverra diam. Curabitur sodales […]

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